B*A*C*H's Blogtastical Playlist

Monday, September 29, 2008

Things that annoy me. - A Rant by Holly

Because I feel like blogging about something, I'm going to rant about things that annoy me.

  • The words tummy, belly, and stinky. They make my cringe.
  • People saying I'm irritated. Whether I am or not, it makes me more irritated when people tell me this.
  • Talking on the phone. There are certain times when this does not apply, but they're very rare.
  • Insults directed at me or my friends in a non-joking manner. Next person that does this will regret it.
  • People telling me I've changed.
  • People talking to me in a baby voice. I'm not two. Stop it.
  • People who think I lie. I'm probably the most honest person you'll ever meet.
  • Rude people.
  • Obama.
  • Obama.
  • Obama.
  • Hannah Montana.
  • The Sprouse twins.
  • Jonas Brothers
  • People who talk AND act like a valley girl. (EX: Like OMG. My top is SOOOOOOOOOO sparkly.)
  • Obama.

What annoys you?

Thanks for listening ^_^



Gamer Girl said...

The people i see around my High School annoy me.

I also hate it when people state the obvious when im irritated.


-Gamer Girl

Rosalind said...

Myself, When people treat me like i'm a kindergardener, people who say "Huh?" a lot, when Katie pokes me and says "Bother, Bother, Bother", The Geico Lizard....

Anonymous said...

well, a lot of the things you said annoy me. except the phone thing. I usually enjoy that.
most of them actually.
haha at the sparkly top joke. ;]
yeah. I was told the other day I've changed a lot since I was little. I was like, I WAS LITTLE. THAT'S EXACTLY THE POINT. Anyway...
Yeah... were you having a bad day Holly? I hope it gets better. :] I probably won't get a response till late tomorrow. well, have a good (or better) day.